Lavender Oil

Lavender is a very versatile essential oil. It can be used topically as well as aromatically.
Applying it topically, it can be used to clean cuts, and heal bruised and irritated skin. Applications would be for bug bites, rashes and sores. It works well to sooth burns as well as sunburns and chapped skin. Lavender stops bleeding. 

Aromatically, Lavender can be used to calm, relax and balance your mood physically as well as emotionally.  You can rub Lavender on your feet for a calming effect. You can put it on your pillowcase to promote sleep. Placing Lavender in your linen closet will repel bugs and moths. Placing Lavender on a wet washcloth and adding it to your laundry drying cycle will aid in deodorizing and killing bacteria. Lavender can also help alleviate symptoms of allergies.

Personally, I add a drop or two to a gallon of distilled water and then use that water in a c-pap machine to aid sleep. I found I have been able to fall asleep easier as well as wake up better rested. 

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